Superintendent News & Information

April 2024


Dear TVUSD Students, Families, Teachers and Staff Members,


I hope this message finds you in good health. As we continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of education in the aftermath of the pandemic, I am writing to provide you with an update on how the Tanque Verde Unified School District (TVUSD) has utilized the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds, commonly known as COVID dollars, and to shed light on the potential impact of the end of these funds on our district.

Allocation of ESSER Funds:

  • ESSER 1: $75,949.69 (Project Dates: 3/13/2020-9/30/2022)

    • Utilized for:

      • Online learning platform

      • Trust Covid insurance

      • Nursing coordinators

  • ESSER 2: $183,402.30 (Project Dates: 03/13/2021-09/30/2023)

    • Utilized for:

      • Full-day kindergarten

  • ESSER 3: $959,225.45 (Project Dates: 07/13/2021-09/30/2024)

    • Utilized for:

      • Flex teachers for 2021 summer school

      • Dean of Students at Emily Gray Junior High

      • College and career readiness counselor at Tanque Verde High School

      • Improving security on school campuses

      • Chromebooks

      • Replacing HVAC systems

  • Total ESSER Funds Utilized: $1,218,577.44

Positive Outcomes for TVUSD:

Stanford and Harvard University's Education Recovery Score Card, examining the period between 2019 and 2022, revealed that the majority of students across the nation experienced significant learning loss due to the challenges presented by the pandemic. However, I am proud to announce that students in the Tanque Verde Unified School District mitigated these challenges and increased their learning rate during this period.

Case Studies Highlighting Academic Success:

  • Read on Arizona: Case Studies

    • In collaboration with Read On Arizona, we've seen exceptional progress in 3rd-grade reading scores at Tanque Verde and Agua Caliente Elementary Schools. These case studies provide insights into our commitment to literacy and academic excellence.

  • Solution Tree Evidence of Effectiveness: Emily Gray's Math Team

    • The Solution Tree Evidence of Effectiveness catalog highlights the outstanding work of Emily Gray Junior High's math team in elevating student learning levels in mathematics. This accomplishment speaks volumes about the dedication and effectiveness of our educators.

Acknowledging the Collective Effort:

The positive outcomes highlighted in the research would not have been possible without the collective effort of everyone involved in the education journey of our students. Teachers, administrators, support staff, parents, and community members all played crucial roles in creating an environment that fosters learning and resilience.

ESSER Funds and Strategic Investments:

The prudent use of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds played a pivotal role in supporting our students during these challenging times. Investments in safety measures, technological advancements, and academic support programs have contributed to the positive outcomes observed in the research findings.

Looking Forward:

As we celebrate these achievements, it is essential to acknowledge that our journey is ongoing. While the ESSER funds have been instrumental, we must continue to adapt, innovate, and work collaboratively to ensure the sustained success of our students. Your continued support and engagement in the educational process are crucial as we navigate the path forward.

I am immensely proud of what we have accomplished together as a community. Let us use these positive outcomes as inspiration to continue striving for excellence in education and fostering an environment where every student can thrive.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to the success of the Tanque Verde Unified School District.

All my best, 

Scott Hagerman, Ed.D



Dr. Scott Hagerman,  Superintendent

Office: (520) 749-5751